GSK Masterclass: Explore the Respiratory Virus Landscape
Webinar (virtual event)
31 January 2024 - 01 February 2024 18:00 - 19.30PM (UTC+0) Both days
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Event Summary
We are delighted to invite you to access the on-demand recordings from the 'GSK Masterclass: Explore the Respiratory Virus Landscape' webinar. This virtual educational event is a timely opportunity to learn from several experts in their field that have been brought together to give you an update on the latest respiratory virus landscape.
This event has been organised and funded by GSK. This is a non-promotional event and individual products or vaccines are not discussed during the sessions. Slides presented have been created by the speakers and GSK have not had any input in the content of the presentations. All participants received remuneration from GSK for their services.
Chair: Prof. Mark Lipman
Bio: Professor of Medicine at University College (UCL) London and Consultant in Respiratory & HIV Medicine at the Royal Free London NHS Trust. Director of the UCL-TB, UCL’s cross-disciplinary research group. His research focuses on mycobacterial disease, respiratory infection and HIV.
Webinar Recordings On-Demand:
Topic 1: The Immune System & Respiratory viruses
Speaker: Prof. Peter Openshaw
Bio: Professor of Experimental Medicine at Imperial College London, UK. A respiratory physician and mucosal immunologist, he studies how the immune response can both protect against viral infection & cause disease. Past President of the British Society for Immunology (2013-18). Well known for his research on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza and COVID-19, aswell as for the development of human challenge in volunteers. He has published widely on vaccinology, the immunopathogenesis of pulmonary viral disease, lung inflammation, asthma and obstructive lung disease.
Intro, UK Vaccine Roll-out Timeline (4min)
Top 10 Global Causes of Death (6min)
Immunity at Mucosal Sites (6min)
Mucosal vs Systemic Vaccines (6min)
Topic 2: Age Spectrum of disease burden: Respiratory viruses and co-morbidities
Speaker: Prof. Jennifer Quint
Bio: Professor of Respiratory Epidemiology at the School of Public Health, Imperial College London. Honorary Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine at both Royal Brompton Hospital & Imperial College London NHS Trust. Leads the Respiratory Electronic Health Record group, a clinical epidemiology research group whose interests centre on using de-identified, routinely collected data to study respiratory diseases. She works closely with NHSE on data and metrics across a number of respiratory parameters, and also partners with the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) where she is Analysis Lead for the National Respiratory Audit Programme. Current joint Editor-in-chief of the journal Thorax.
Intro, COVID-19: Epidemiology, Risk Factors & Vaccination (11min)
Flu: Epidemiology, Risk Factors & Vaccination (3min)
RSV: Epidemiology, Risk Factors & Vaccination (7min)
Topic 3: Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Speaker: Prof. Adam Cunningham
Bio: Professor of Functional Immunology at Institute of Immunology & Immunotherapy, University of Birmingham. Adam’s research primarily focuses on how immune responses develop to vaccines and infection, and how they impact on host immune homeostasis.
Intro, Risk of Bacterial Infection (3min)
Differences between Bacteria and Viruses (3min)
Antimicrobial Use, Vaccination & Resistance (13min)
Vaccination to Reduce Antimicrobial Use (11min)
Topic 4: Learnings from VIVALDI study: Respiratory virus breakouts in care-homes
Speaker: Prof. Laura Shallcross
Bio: Research focuses on how immune responses develop to vaccines and infection and how they impact on host immune homeostasis.
NIHR Research Professor of Public Health and Translational Data Science and Director of the UCL Institute of Health Informatics. Led the national VIVALDI study which informed the public health response to COVID-19 in care homes, resulting in the award of an MBE for services to Adult Social Care. Laura was a member of the Scientific Advisory group for Emergencies (SAGE) Social care working group. She leads a collaborative programme of research at UCL which integrates analysis of routinely collected data with other disciplines (e.g. trials, behavioural science, economics) to design novel strategies to reduce the impact of infections and antimicrobial infections in health & care settings.
Intro, Overview of the Vivaldi Study (13min)
Following-on from the Vivaldi Study (9min)
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